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Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, plays a pivotal role in various metabolic processes within the body. It serves as a coenzyme in several enzymatic reactions involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. A deficiency in biotin can lead to various health issues, including hair loss, skin problems, and neurological complications. Understanding the treatment options for biotin deficiency is crucial in addressing these concerns and restoring overall health.

Biotin deficiency is a rare condition but can occur due to several factors such as inadequate dietary intake, certain genetic disorders, prolonged use of certain medications, or malabsorption issues. It manifests in various ways, including hair loss, skin rashes, brittle nails, neurological symptoms like depression or lethargy, and even developmental delays in infants.


Biotin Deficiency: Causes and Treatment | Healthy Life Human

Biotin Deficiency: Causes and Treatment | Healthy Life Human

Biotin Deficiency: Causes and Treatment Symptoms can include thinning hair that progresses to hair loss all over the body.