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Being, Consciousness, Value | Jerrold Posner | Book Video Trailer

Being, Consciousness, Value, A Spiritual Journal, is a “stream of consciousness” record of the reflections, intuitions, and experiences – some very deep – which saved the author from the ravages of materialism, despair, fear of death, and what he believed at one time was the meaninglessness of life. Posner offers a powerful, thought-provoking and provocative exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relationship to value and meaning. Drawing on his own experiences and insights, he challenges the reductive materialist view of reality and posits the primacy of Value-Consciousness as the driving force behind the emergence of life and human experience. He shows how the self is stable in the midst of flux, believes in its eternality, and proposes that it is the primary starting point for understanding reality beyond what scientific materialism can show. Noteworthy is his mystical experience in which he realized that consciousness and being itself are a single reality. He proposes that the whole of reality is an expression of Divine self-replication through its self-evaluative and evolutionary processes, the ultimate purpose of which is our experience in consciousness of our will to coincide with eternality. It is a deep exploration and fascinating journey that he has experienced over a period of decades the record of which is concisely presented in this book. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in spirituality, philosophy, or the deeper mysteries of existence. Posner’s unique perspective and compelling arguments invite us to reconsider our assumptions about the nature of reality and to explore the transcendent power of value in shaping our lives and our world. A truly transformative and inspiring work, so if you are in search of a fellow traveler who has discovered that all life is value-imbued and possesses a Light that can never be extinguished you will not be able to put this book down.