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Exploring the Cosmic Wonders: Elroy's Journey to New Patagon to Help One-eye Blue
Have you ever felt indulged within the pages of a book because of the aspect of imagery set by an author within the pages of a book? If you desire to unwind such an experience through a Sci fi and cosmic themes within a book, then you need to grab this ideal book, “The Age of Shaman Warrior Professor Elroy: Shamanry Raised”, crafted by J. George James. Within this book, the author has elaborated every journey of the chiefs with most rich and well elaborated diction. However, one of the finest and enthralling explanation in the book was the travel of Elroy to New Patagon to help his ailing shadow, One-eye Blue, a juvenile Lungeshark, a Phibbian sea denizen. On New Patagon, nearly the entire planet is covered with water but for the twelve district islands, raised up by intelligent species to make a paradise. With its shimmering oceans and pristine landscapes, it would have been sure to beckon future explorers and adventurers from across the Fertile Crescent and Unions. That is for the future! Now there is war. Every inhabitant, both human and Phibbian are needed.
As sub Lieutenant Lipa-Roycroft, "Elroy" straps himself into the shuttle just before he must muster out to his warship assignment, the feeling of the familiar tug of space adaptation syndrome and something transcending imagination comes upon him. Elroy senses a disturbance in the mind of One-eye Blue, a feeling of unease that he experiences because of the infected sensory system that hints at something deeper lurking beneath the surface. After his dreams, he knows that he is embarking on more than just a physical journey. With each passing moment, he feels the weight of his responsibilities as a spacefarer and guardian of the cosmos. Elroy's journey back to New Patagon is not just about charting uncharted biological and physical territories or unraveling the twenty-six Gifts, mysteries of the cosmos from an unknown source, in fact; as a Shamanry chief or Eldermost of his people, he is on a quest to discover if such Gift Ones exist far beyond the Fertile Crescent. Is there a race beyond that had made his system?
But first, he must find the cure for his Phibbian pal's sickness and after that, find a cure for the pirate "parasites" of the European Union before he can return to his academic life and search for the final Gifts of the cosmos. He feels it to his core that he shall get his answers.
Amidst the vastness of space and the uncertainty of the journey, yet enjoying the amazement of the cosmos, he then halts for a moment and finds solace in the bond he shares with One-eye Blue, whose presence is both comforting and enigmatic because he/it is one of the masters of New Patagon's ecosystem. The awesomeness and beauty of the universe, there are mysteries yet to be unraveled. As the shuttle accelerates towards its destination relieving the nausea, Elroy's mind reflects on the intricate system of asteroids that protect the planet from the fury of solar winds, marveling at the ingenuity of the cosmos and its ability to sustain life against all odds.
Little does he know that Time is truly on his side. Also unknown to him, are things going on that a human cannot fathom outside the realms of time-space. One special man sees a glimpse of the phenomenon while Elroy sleeps and dreams. Is it madness or something wonderful in the form of a young Shaman Eldermost? Only Time will tell. Others, like a captive Unioner woman in search of wonders and answers, Elroy's Shaman professors, Chief Executive Landsman Eldermosts and a young Warrior rise to Elroy's assistance!
Arriving on New Patagon, Elroy is greeted by the sight of its vast oceans and sprawling landscapes, a testament to the wonders of creation and the resilience of life. With each step he takes on its shores, each question answered, he knows that he is not just a Tehuelche Shaman; he is a part of something greater, a guardian of the cosmic balance.

