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As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the Wi-Fi Study app is primarily designed for mobile devices, and there may not be an official desktop application for PC. However, you can still access Wi-Fi Study on your computer through a web browser. Here's how you can do it:

Open Web Browser:

Open your preferred web browser on your PC.
Visit the Wi-Fi Study Website:

Go to the official website of Wi-Fi Study. The website address is likely to be "https://www.pricegadgets.com/w....ifi-study-app-for-pc
Log In or Sign Up:

If you already have an account, log in using your credentials.
If you don't have an account, you may need to sign up on the website.
Access Courses and Content:

Once logged in, you should be able to access your courses and study materials directly through the website.
Keep in mind that the information provided is based on my last update in January 2022, and there may have been changes or updates to the Wi-Fi Study platform since then. Check the official Wi-Fi Study website or contact their support for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding accessing their content on a PC.