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Assembly Required | by Rod McIntyre, Ph.D. | Book Video Trailer
"Every person has something unique and powerful to offer. It is only when this is fully embraced that organizations can begin to discover the individual and collective strengths available to them.
It is the role of the leader to connect people and ideas, and to activate the composite genius that exists in every organization.
Extraordinary leaders are masters of ordinary things, and uncommon achievements consist of common elements, effectively assembled. Exploration of how leaders: effectively bring together people and ideas.
Assembly required is an exploration of how leaders:
Successfully bring together people and ideas.
Influence others in positive and productive ways.
Maximize their strengths and the strengths of others.
Help people think about things in ways they haven't thought about them before.
Establish and reinforce identity and culture.
Communicate ideas effectively and build relationships.
Crystallize a vision and lead with wisdom."