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What Does a Wedding Photographer Need to Know?

There are many things that a wedding photographer needs to know. These include knowing how to use their camera, having excellent communication skills, and being able to work under pressure.


Inform your photographer of any family dynamics that they should be aware of – such as estranged relatives or a recently deceased relative. This will help avoid awkward moments on the big day!

1. A good eye for detail
A wedding photographer needs to be able to anticipate moments and capture them as they unfold. Otherwise, some of the most important memories may be missed. This is especially true for newer photographers.

Creating a shot list can help. But don't be afraid to rely on your intuition too! If you're constantly referring to a list, you won't be able to fully enjoy the moment.

Shooting the details can be a good way to show off a wedding's uniqueness, but it's also a time-consuming endeavor. And if you're shooting the details while also trying to photograph all of the guests, you might miss some important moments.

Also, make sure you know what kind of parking or transit arrangements will be necessary for your photographer. This will save them time and stress, and it'll also be a big help in case they're running behind on schedule. It's a great idea to communicate any special family circumstances with your photographer as well.

2. Excellent communication skills
Your photographer should be able to communicate well with you throughout the planning process. They should also be able to understand your expectations and make suggestions on how best to achieve those. They should have a clear understanding of the schedule for your wedding day, and they should be able to relay this information to other vendors.

They should have a system in place for ensuring that all of your photos are saved. It is crucial for photographers to keep a backup of all images on an external hard drive. This will prevent any loss of files due to a power outage, accidentally deleting them, or losing a camera.

Provide your photographer with a list of people they need to photograph (for example, important family members). This will ensure that they don’t miss anyone during the day. It is also helpful to let your photographer know if there are any awkward family situations (like divorces or deaths) that they should be aware of.

3. The ability to work under pressure
A wedding photographer will often need to balance the professional standards of his or her craft with specific requests from each individual couple. It is important that the photographer is able to be flexible and accommodating while still maintaining a consistent approach to lighting and angles for each image.

He or she must also be able to deal with unexpected technical difficulties. Whether it's an impromptu family photo shoot in the rain, images being inexplicably wiped off of a memory card, or even something as simple as a little cousin running into the light stand at the dance floor, it is important that the photographer has protocols in place to deal with these issues as they arise.

In episode 9 of their podcast Workflows, Andy Defrancesco talks about this topic in detail and recommends that wedding photographers should be prepared with backup equipment in case it fails. This includes extra batteries, memory cards, and a battery charger.

4. The ability to be creative
You need a creative mindset and the ability to think on your feet to capture authentic moments. For example, you may need to move quickly to get a group shot when the ceremony starts early, and it’s likely that the sun will be low. This is why a wedding photographer should be familiar with the lighting in your venue and know when to make use of natural light.

During the day, your photographer should have several lenses and be prepared to change them as needed to accommodate various photo opportunities. For instance, having a lens that can focus on a wider area and one with a longer focal length can help you shoot more dynamic images.

Make sure your photographer is aware of any family dynamics that may need special attention. If there is a difficult relationship between grandparents or other family members, for example, your photographer needs to be aware so that you can avoid awkward moments in your photographs.
