What is ADHD in adults? What are the symptoms, signs, and treatment of ADHD in adults?

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ADHD is a condition that affects the brain. It's characterised by hyperactivity and difficulty focusing. Some people are diagnosed later in life, even though symptoms usually appear first during childhood.

ADHD is a condition that affects the brain. It's characterised by hyperactivity and difficulty focusing. Some people are diagnosed later in life, even though symptoms usually appear first during childhood.

ADHD is often associated with disruptive behaviours and cognitive patterns. It can affect every aspect of your life, including work, relationships, and school. This condition is treated by combining medication with therapy.

Find out more about ADHD symptoms in adults and the treatments available.

How many people suffer from ADHD?

The National Survey of Children's Health 2011 and the National Comorbidity Surveys 2003 and 2004 provide some of the most comprehensive data on ADHD diagnosis in America.

What they found out about the prevalence of ADHD in different age groups

     Children aged 4–17 years old make up 11 percent.

     Children aged 13–18 make up 8.7% of the population.

     At the time of the survey, 4.4 percent of adults had received an ADHD diagnosis. The lifetime prevalence was 8.1 percent.

These statistics do not include people who have ADHD but haven't been diagnosed. These numbers may not reflect the true number of people who suffer from ADHD.

Adult ADHD: Recognising it

ADHD has been associated with children for a long period of time. While ADHD symptoms are most common before the age of 12 (trusted source), they can affect people at any age. Some people may never receive a diagnosis. It can take many years to get an accurate diagnosis.

Adult ADHD symptoms

Understanding the differences between ADHD in children and adults will help you diagnose your child sooner.

The following are some of the symptoms of adult ADHD, according to a trusted source:

     Inability to focus on one task

     Problems concentrating

     Forgetting appointments and promises

     habitual lateness

     Not listening to what people say or forgetting their words

Adult ADHD can also affect the way you communicate. Adults with ADHD may also present with:

     A compulsion for people to finish the sentences of others

     Interrupting others when they are talking is a common practice.

     Trouble seeing another's perspective Source verified in a conversation

     Impatience in waiting (such as when in line at the grocery store or in traffic)

Common misdiagnosis

The median age of onset for ADHD symptoms is 6 years old. The median age at which ADHD symptoms first appear is six years of age. Parents, teachers, and doctors may have missed milder ADHD symptoms in some children.

ADHD can be confused with:

     learning disorders or conduct disorders

     Anxiety disorder

Both depression and anxiety are often associated with ADHD. This is because impaired executive brain functions can cause both. ADHD can affect your ability to perform at work and in your personal life.

Undiagnosed ADHD can make it difficult for adults to maintain friendships and be able to focus. It can be difficult to maintain and make new friends when you have ADHD. You should get a diagnosis as soon as possible so that you can receive the care and answers you deserve.

Diagnosing ADHD among adults

If you notice symptoms in adults, it is important to report them to your doctor.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a gold standard in mental health diagnosis, classifies key ADHD symptoms into two umbrella categories.


     Hyperactivity and compulsive behaviour

Each category includes a list of signs and symptoms. For an ADHD diagnosis, children must show six or more signs and symptoms per category. Adults (or those over 17 years old) must also present at least five. The symptoms must be present in at least two settings (such as school, work, and home).

Your doctor may ask:

     What symptoms did you experience in the last 6 months?

     What symptoms have you experienced?

     Anyone else in your family been diagnosed with ADHD?

You can use self-screening tools to get a rough idea of your ADHD symptoms.

Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-5)

You may want to take the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (5 ASRS) if you have experienced any of these possible symptoms. This was updated for DSM-5 Trusted Source to be used as a screening tool in order to detect undiagnosed ADHD among adults.

Six questions are asked about your past six months. Your answers will be categorised as "never", "rarely", "sometimes", "often" or "very often".

     How often do you find it difficult to concentrate on what someone is saying, even if they are speaking directly to you?

     When you are in a meeting or another situation where you should be seated, how often do you leave it?

     When you are alone, how often do you find it difficult to relax and unwind?

     How often do you finish the sentences of people before they have the chance to complete them?

     How often do we put off things until the last moment?

     How often do you depend on others to be organised and pay attention to the details?

The ASRS-5 does not replace a diagnosis by a mental health professional or doctor. It can be an effective way to assess yourself and as a basis for making an appointment.

Everyday Life Attention Scale

The Everyday Life Attention Scale (ELAS), like the ASRS-5, was developed to help adults recognise symptoms of ADHD.

It is a questionnaire that asks you to self-report, but the ELAS focuses on your inattention when performing certain activities and situations. They include:

     Read more

     Listening to a lecture or speech

     a conversation

     A school or job assignment

     Cleaning or other chores


     Watching a movie


This is another tool that you can use for self-reporting to provide data to your doctor.

ADHD and your life

It can have the following effects: Trusted source in daily life.

     Inability to concentrate and complete tasks at work or school

     Relationships that are stable and sustainable can be difficult to maintain.

     Time management problems, including the inability to meet deadlines

     Missing or arriving late for appointments

     Forgetting to pay your bills

     Not returning phone calls, emails, or texts

     Losing important items such as keys, phones, and wallets is a common occurrence.

     Impatience in waiting in line or during a conversation

     Focusing on others when they are talking is difficult.

     You are always finishing other people's sentences or interjecting your opinion when it is not your turn.

These impacts can affect your relationships, work, and home life over time. Late fees can be incurred if you forget to pay bills or if you miss important appointments.

Managing ADHD

Adults with ADHD may need to combine medications, therapy, and lifestyle changes.


Prescription medications Trusted sources can treat ADHD in children and adults.




     Anti-anxiety medication

The most common drug for ADHD is stimulants, which have been shown to increase alertness and concentration. Brand names for Adderall and Ritalin include amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, and methylphenidate. Side effects are possible with all medications. Some ADHD medications can become habit-forming. Take your medication as prescribed by your doctor.

It's important that you tell your doctor if you are taking any prescription medications for depression, anxiety, or high blood pressure. These may interfere with stimulants.


The following therapies are used to treat ADHD among adults:


     Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT),

     Professional life coach

     ADHD Coach HTML2_ HTML3_ HTML2_ HTML3_

     Family therapy or marriage counselling

     support group

     Treatment of coexisting mental conditions (such as depression and anxiety)

Lifestyle modifications

Changes in your routine can help you manage ADHD symptoms.

     Establish a daily schedule. This includes waking up at the same time and going to sleep at the same hour.

     Try to sleep enough (7-9 hours is recommended for adults).

     Regularly, aim to exercise and be physically active. Trusted source

     Relaxing activities such as yoga or meditation can be incorporated into your daily routine.

     Regular breaks will help you manage stress.

Discussing ADHD with your doctor

You should discuss with your doctor your concerns about ADHD symptoms and how they may affect your everyday life. Explore all available treatment options as well.

ADHD is often diagnosed in children, but it's not too late for adults to get help. Ask your doctor these questions if you have just been diagnosed with ADHD.

     What type of ADHD am I? (predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or combined presentation)

     Do I require any additional screening for depression or anxiety symptoms?

     What is the best treatment for me now?

     Do I need to take medicine for the short-term or the long-term? What are the possible side effects? How can I tell if my medication is working?

     What kind of therapy would you recommend? (e.g., CBT or talk therapy) Can I get a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist?

     What are the best lifestyle changes for me, including diet and exercise?


ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a mental condition affecting many children. It can last into adulthood in over one-third of cases. ADHD is a clinical condition characterised by persistent symptoms such as hyperactivity, inattention, and compulsive behaviour in different situations.

You may want to talk with your doctor if you were never diagnosed with ADHD as a kid but are still experiencing its symptoms. As a starter, you can use the self-evaluation tool. It is never too late to get a diagnosis of ADHD and begin treatment. Adults can benefit from treatment and management strategies that will help them have a better experience at home and work, as well as in their personal relationships.

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